PREVIEW NAME(ID) 2014 - Empowered Forest Staff[1] (Forest Staff2)
2014 - Empowered Forest Staff[1] (Forest Staff2) class weigth 90 NPCbuy 10 OC 12
Slots 1 ATK 30 REQlvl 130
WeaponLVL 4 REQJOB Wizard PROPERTY Earth
description A magic staff charged with massive power of earth.
Increases the effectiveness of Earth Spike and Heavens Drive by 30%.
INT + 5, MATK + 270.
When you equip a whole set of Forest items - the staff, the robe, the shoes, and the orb, the effectiveness of all the earth spells is increased by 60%, the effectiveness of all the fire spells is decreased by 60%, and resistance to fire attacks is decre
ased by 50%.
Type : Two-handed Staff
Attack : 30
Weight : 90
Element : Earth
Weapon Level : 4
Required Level : 130
Job : Warlock
Drop by
script bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Earth; bonus bInt,5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_EARTHSPIKE",30; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_HEAVENDRIVE",30;
Combo NA

Naposledy vygenerovano dne : Sun, 03 Jan 2021 14:35:43 +0100
(c) 2006-2012 jihrad, Nebiki & k3dT -