PREVIEW NAME(ID) 573 - Chocolate Drink (Chocolate Drink)
573 - Chocolate Drink (Chocolate Drink) class misc
weigth 15
NPCbuy 3500 OC 4340
description A kind of drink made from chocolate and milk from one of the Royal Court Dessert Specialists recipes.
Although the Dessert Chef wishes for people to drink this treat elegantly, its usually gulped down, enjoyed with hand sloppily placed on the waist.
Recovers a small amount of HP.

Weight : 15
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Velikonocni kuratko (50%)Wild Gift Box (20%)Wild Gift Box (0.2%)Wild Gift Box (0.2%)
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  • show/hide Chocolate Drink Chocolate Drink uzitim predmetu
  • show/hide Chocolate Drink Chocolate Drink uzitim predmetu
  • show/hide Chocolate Drink Chocolate Drink uzitim predmetu
  • show/hide Chocolate Drink Chocolate Drink uzitim predmetu
  • script itemheal rand(330,410),rand(45,65); sc_end SC_Poison; sc_end SC_Silence; sc_end SC_Blind; sc_end SC_Confusion; sc_end SC_Curse; sc_end SC_Hallucination;

    Naposledy vygenerovano dne : Sun, 03 Jan 2021 14:35:43 +0100
    (c) 2006-2012 jihrad, Nebiki & k3dT -