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Found 7 item(s)
PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13221 - Silver Bullet (Silver Bullet )
13221 - Silver Bullet (Silver Bullet ) class Projectiles weigth 0.2 NPCbuy 5 OC 6
Slots 0 ATK 15 REQlvl 1
WeaponLVL REQJOB Novice Swordman Blacksmith Hunter Assassin Crusader Monk Sage Rogue Alchem Bard/Dancer Mage Dancer Taekwon StarGladiator Soullinker Gunslinger Ninja Archer Acolyte Merchant Thief Knight Priest Wizard PROPERTY Holy
description Silver Bullet
Silver bullet that contain a holy spirit.
Class: Ammunition
Attack: 15
Weight: 0.2
Element: Holy
Drop by
script bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
Combo NA
PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13222 - Bloody Shell (Bloody Shell)
13222 - Bloody Shell (Bloody Shell) class Projectiles weigth 0.2 NPCbuy 5 OC 6
Slots 0 ATK 30 REQlvl 1
WeaponLVL REQJOB Novice Swordman Blacksmith Hunter Assassin Crusader Monk Sage Rogue Alchem Bard/Dancer Mage Dancer Taekwon StarGladiator Soullinker Gunslinger Ninja Archer Acolyte Merchant Thief Knight Priest Wizard PROPERTY Neutral
description Bloody Shell
A bloody red bullet that may cause Bleeding status on target by a low chance.
Class: Ammunition
Attack: 30
Weight: 0.2
Element: Neutral
Drop by
script bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Neutral;
Combo NA
PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13223 - Incendiary Grenade (Flare Sphere )
13223 - Incendiary Grenade (Flare Sphere ) class Projectiles weigth 0.5 NPCbuy 5 OC 6
Slots 0 ATK 50 REQlvl 1
WeaponLVL REQJOB Novice Swordman Blacksmith Hunter Assassin Crusader Monk Sage Rogue Alchem Bard/Dancer Mage Dancer Taekwon StarGladiator Soullinker Gunslinger Ninja Archer Acolyte Merchant Thief Knight Priest Wizard PROPERTY Fire
description Incendiary Grenade
A exclusive grenade launcher bullet imbued with the Fire property.
Class: Ammunition
Attack: 50
Weight: 0.5
Element: Fire
Drop by
script bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
Combo NA
PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13224 - Lightning Grenade (Lightning Sphere)
13224 - Lightning Grenade (Lightning Sphere) class Projectiles weigth 0.5 NPCbuy 5 OC 6
Slots 0 ATK 50 REQlvl 1
WeaponLVL REQJOB Novice Swordman Blacksmith Hunter Assassin Crusader Monk Sage Rogue Alchem Bard/Dancer Mage Dancer Taekwon StarGladiator Soullinker Gunslinger Ninja Archer Acolyte Merchant Thief Knight Priest Wizard PROPERTY Wind
description Lightning Grenade
A exclusive grenade launcher bullet imbued with the Wind property.
Class: Ammunition
Attack: 50
Weight: 0.5
Element: Wind
Drop by
script bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
Combo NA
PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13225 - Poison Grenade (Poison Sphere )
13225 - Poison Grenade (Poison Sphere ) class Projectiles weigth 0.5 NPCbuy 5 OC 6
Slots 0 ATK 50 REQlvl 1
WeaponLVL REQJOB Novice Swordman Blacksmith Hunter Assassin Crusader Monk Sage Rogue Alchem Bard/Dancer Mage Dancer Taekwon StarGladiator Soullinker Gunslinger Ninja Archer Acolyte Merchant Thief Knight Priest Wizard PROPERTY Poison
description Poison Grenade
A exclusive grenade launcher bullet imbued with the Poison property.
Adds a chance to inflict Poison status.
Class: Ammunition
Attack: 50
Weight: 0.5
Element: Poison
Drop by
Faceworm Larva (100%)
script bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Poison;
Combo NA
PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13226 - Flash Grenade (Blind Sphere )
13226 - Flash Grenade (Blind Sphere ) class Projectiles weigth 0.5 NPCbuy 5 OC 6
Slots 0 ATK 50 REQlvl 1
WeaponLVL REQJOB Novice Swordman Blacksmith Hunter Assassin Crusader Monk Sage Rogue Alchem Bard/Dancer Mage Dancer Taekwon StarGladiator Soullinker Gunslinger Ninja Archer Acolyte Merchant Thief Knight Priest Wizard PROPERTY Dark
description Flash Grenade
A exclusive grenade launcher bullet imbued with the Shadow property.
Adds a chance to inflict Blind status.
Class: Ammunition
Attack: 50
Weight: 0.5
Element: Shadow
Drop by
script bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
Combo NA
PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13227 - Cryo Grenade (Freezing Sphere )
13227 - Cryo Grenade (Freezing Sphere ) class Projectiles weigth 0.5 NPCbuy 5 OC 6
Slots 0 ATK 50 REQlvl 1
WeaponLVL REQJOB Novice Swordman Blacksmith Hunter Assassin Crusader Monk Sage Rogue Alchem Bard/Dancer Mage Dancer Taekwon StarGladiator Soullinker Gunslinger Ninja Archer Acolyte Merchant Thief Knight Priest Wizard PROPERTY Water
description Cryo Grenade
A exclusive grenade launcher bullet imbued with the Water property.
Adds a chance to inflict Freezing status.
Class: Ammunition
Attack: 50
Weight: 0.5
Element: Water
Drop by
script bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water;
Combo NA

Naposledy vygenerovano dne : Sun, 03 Jan 2021 14:35:43 +0100
(c) 2006-2012 jihrad, Nebiki & k3dT -