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Found 23 item(s)
PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13300 - Huuma Wing Shuriken (Huuma Bird Wing)
13300 - Huuma Wing Shuriken (Huuma Bird Wing) class Shurikens weigth 300 NPCbuy 45000 OC 55800
Slots 0 ATK 150 REQlvl 65
description A famous Huuma Ninja weapon that is shaped like a wing.
AGI - 1, DEX - 2
Class : Huuma
Attack : 150
Weight : 300
Property : Wind
Weapon Level : 4
Required Level : 65
Applicable Job : Ninja
Drop by Assaulter (0.1%)Assaulter Ringleader (0.1%)
Donatello (0.1%)
  • show/hide Huuma Wing Shuriken Huuma Wing Shuriken from Tetsu in que_ng
  • script bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; bonus bDex,-2; bonus bAgi,-1;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13301 - Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken[3] (Huuma Giant Wheel)
    13301 - Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken[3] (Huuma Giant Wheel) class Shurikens weigth 250 NPCbuy 20000 OC 24800
    Slots 3 ATK 50 REQlvl 42
    WeaponLVL 4 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description A heavy, giant shuriken shaped like a bladed wheel.
    External Bleeding an enemy when you attack (Success Chance ?%).
    Class : Huuma
    Attack : 50
    Weight : 250
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 42
    Applicable Job : Ninja
    Drop by Tengu (0.1%)
  • show/hide Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken[4] Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken[4] from Tetsu in que_ng

  • show/hide Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken[3] Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken[3] from Tetsu in que_ng
  • script bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,100;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13302 - Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken[4] (Huuma Giant Wheel )
    13302 - Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken[4] (Huuma Giant Wheel ) class Shurikens weigth 250 NPCbuy 20000 OC 24800
    Slots 4 ATK 50 REQlvl 42
    WeaponLVL 4 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description A heavy, giant shuriken shaped like a bladed wheel.
    External Bleeding an enemy when you attack (Success Chance ?%).
    Class : Huuma
    Attack : 50
    Weight : 250
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 42
    Applicable Job : Ninja
    Drop by Tengu (0.1%)
  • show/hide Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken[4] Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken[4] from Tetsu in que_ng
  • script bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,100;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13303 - Huuma Blaze Shuriken (Huuma Blaze)
    13303 - Huuma Blaze Shuriken (Huuma Blaze) class Shurikens weigth 150 NPCbuy 39000 OC 48360
    Slots 0 ATK 185 REQlvl 55
    WeaponLVL 4 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Fire
    description A Fire Property Huuma shuriken that sparks like a firecracker when it strikes enemies.
    Add a 3% chance of auto casting Level 5 Fireball on the enemy when attacking.
    DEX - 2
    Class : Huuma
    Attack : 185
    Weight : 230
    Property : Fire
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 55
    Applicable Job : Ninja
    Drop by Incantation Samurai (100%)Imp (0.06%)
  • show/hide Huuma Blaze Shuriken Huuma Blaze Shuriken from Tetsu in que_ng
  • script bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire; bonus bDex,-2; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"MG_FIREBALL",5,30;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13304 - Huuma Morning Star Shuriken[2] (Huuma Calm Mind)
    13304 - Huuma Morning Star Shuriken[2] (Huuma Calm Mind) class Shurikens weigth 155 NPCbuy 10 OC 12
    Slots 2 ATK 112 REQlvl 70
    WeaponLVL 3 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description Huuma calm mind helps the owner to keep his/her calm state of mind in any tense situation. It helps greatly in battles.
    Increases damage of Throw Huuma Shuriken skill by 30%.
    Casting can not be interrupted.
    Class : Huuma
    Attack : 112
    Weight : 155
    Property : Neutral
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 70
    Applicable Job : Ninja
    Drop by Kapha (0.4%)
  • show/hide Huuma Morning Star Shuriken[2] Huuma Morning Star Shuriken[2] uzitim predmetu
  • show/hide Huuma Morning Star Shuriken[2] Huuma Morning Star Shuriken[2] uzitim predmetu
  • script bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"NJ_HUUMA",30; bonus bNoCastCancel,0;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13305 - Huuma Front Shuriken (BF Huuma Shuriken1)
    13305 - Huuma Front Shuriken (BF Huuma Shuriken1) class Shurikens weigth 0 NPCbuy 10 OC 12
    Slots 0 ATK 55 REQlvl 80
    WeaponLVL 3 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description Huuma Shuriken that holds great strength and brings extraordinary power in battles against humanoids.
    STR + 2, Dex + 1
    Increases physical attack against Demi human monster by 95%.
    Adds 20% defense to the Demi human monster.
    Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
    Class : Huuma
    Attack : 55
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Applicable Job : Ninja
    Drop by
    script bonus bStr,2; bonus bDex,1; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,95; bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiHuman,20; bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13306 - Huuma Front Shuriken (BF Huuma Shuriken2)
    13306 - Huuma Front Shuriken (BF Huuma Shuriken2) class Shurikens weigth 0 NPCbuy 10 OC 12
    Slots 0 ATK 55 REQlvl 80
    WeaponLVL 3 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description Huuma Shuriken that holds great strength and brings extraordinary power in battles against humanoids.
    STR + 2, Dex + 1
    Increases physical attack against Demi human monster by 95%.
    When attacking, there is a chance that for 10 seconds, your attack power with Throw Huuma Shuriken and Final Strike is increased by 100%.
    Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
    Class : Huuma
    Attack : 55
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Applicable Job : Ninja
    Drop by
    script bonus bStr,2; bonus bDex,1; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,95; autobonus "{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,"NJ_HUUMA",100; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"NJ_ISSEN",100; }",50,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; }"; bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13307 - Glorious Huuma Shuriken (Krieger Huuma Shuriken1)
    13307 - Glorious Huuma Shuriken (Krieger Huuma Shuriken1) class Shurikens weigth 0 NPCbuy 10 OC 12
    Slots 0 ATK 55 REQlvl 80
    WeaponLVL 4 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description Increases physical attack against DemiHuman monster by 95%.
    Adds 20% defense bypassing on Demi-human monster.
    MATK + 15%.
    Adds a 5% chance double damage for 10 seconds the skills
    Level 1 Final Strike and Level 1 Throw Huuma Shuriken When dealing physical damage.
    Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
    [Refine Rate 6~10]
    Pierces Defense of DemiHuman monster by 5%.
    [Slaughter] Lv 2
    [Refine Rate 9~10]
    Add 100% chance of auto casting Level 10 Heal when using skill Final Strike.
    Add a chance of auto casting Level 2 Critical Wound on the monster when using skill Throw Huuma Shuriken.
    Class : Huuma
    Attack : 55
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Applicable Job : Ninja
    Drop by
    script bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,95; bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiHuman,20; bonus bMatkRate,15; autobonus "{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,"NJ_HUUMA",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"NJ_ISSEN",10; }",50,10000; bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; if(getrefine() > 5) { bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,(getrefine()-3)*(getrefine()-3); bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiHuman,5; } if(getrefine() > 8) { bonus5 bAutoSpellOnSkill,"NJ_ISSEN","AL_HEAL",10,1000,1; bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,"NJ_HUUMA","NPC_CRITICALWOUND",2,200; }
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13308 - Huuma Blaze Shuriken (Huuma Blaze I)
    13308 - Huuma Blaze Shuriken (Huuma Blaze I) class Shurikens weigth 0 NPCbuy OC 0
    Slots 0 ATK 230 REQlvl NA
    WeaponLVL 4 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Fire
    description A Fire Property Huuma shuriken that sparks like a firecracker when it strikes enemies.
    Add a 3% chance of auto casting Level 5 Fireball on the enemy when attacking.
    DEX + 2.
    Class : Huuma
    Attack : 230
    Weight : 0
    Property : Fire
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 0
    Applicable Job : Ninja
    Drop by
    script bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire; bonus bDex,2;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13309 - Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken (Huuma Giant Wheel C)
    13309 - Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken (Huuma Giant Wheel C) class Shurikens weigth 0 NPCbuy OC 0
    Slots 0 ATK 99 REQlvl 1
    WeaponLVL 4 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description Rental Items
    A heavy, giant shuriken shaped like a bladed wheel.
    External Bleeding an enemy when you attack (Success Chance ?%).
    Increases damage against small, medium, large size monsters by 80%.
    Class : Huuma
    Attack : 99
    Weight : 0
    Required Level : 1
    Applicable Job : Ninja
    Drop by
    script NA
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13310 - Eden Group Huuma Shuriken I (P Huuma Suriken1)
    13310 - Eden Group Huuma Shuriken I (P Huuma Suriken1) class Shurikens weigth 0 NPCbuy OC 0
    Slots 0 ATK 150 REQlvl 60
    WeaponLVL 3 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description A Huuma Shuriken that is made by the Eden Group.
    It is suitable for experienced Ninjas only.
    Class : Huuma
    Attack : 150
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level: 3
    Required Level : 60
    Jobs :Ninja
    Drop by
    script NA
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13311 - Sword Huuma Shuriken (Huuma Shadow)
    13311 - Sword Huuma Shuriken (Huuma Shadow) class Shurikens weigth 150 NPCbuy 2500 OC 3100
    Slots 0 ATK 170 REQlvl 99
    WeaponLVL 3 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description Huuma Shuriken recently released by the Ninja Association. Carries a nickname of Shadow for the special metal it was made from which doesn't reflect moonlight.
    STR +3.
    Class: Huuma Shuriken
    Attack: 170
    Weight: 150
    Weapon lvl: 3
    Require Level: 99
    Applicable Job: Ninja Class
    Drop by
    script bonus bStr,3;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13312 - Prototype Huuma Shuriken (Huuma Job Test)
    13312 - Prototype Huuma Shuriken (Huuma Job Test) class Shurikens weigth 300 NPCbuy OC 0
    Slots 0 ATK 0 REQlvl 99
    WeaponLVL 4 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description Cannot trade this item with other players.
    Prototype Huuma Shuriken being prepared by the Ninja Association.
    Still at the early stages of development and will have to wait a while for actual commercial sales to start.
    Class: Huuma Shuriken
    Attack: 0
    Weight: 300
    Weapon lvl: 4
    Require Level: 99
    Applicable Job: Ninja Class
    Drop by
    script NA
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13313 - Flower Huuma Shuriken[2] (Huuma Swirling Petal)
    13313 - Flower Huuma Shuriken[2] (Huuma Swirling Petal) class Shurikens weigth 150 NPCbuy 50000 OC 62000
    Slots 2 ATK 150 REQlvl 110
    WeaponLVL 3 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description Shuriken named after fluttering petals. They say it feels like you are surrounded by a cloud of petals when using this weapon.
    MATK +50.
    Increases Swirling Petal damage by 20%.
    Class: Huuma Shuriken
    Attack: 150
    Weight: 150
    Weapon lvl: 3
    Require Level: 110
    Applicable Job: Ninja Class
    Drop by
    script bonus2 bSkillAtk,"KO_HUUMARANKA",20;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13314 - Wave Huuma Shuriken (Huuma Fluttering Snow)
    13314 - Wave Huuma Shuriken (Huuma Fluttering Snow) class Shurikens weigth 150 NPCbuy 50000 OC 62000
    Slots 0 ATK 200 REQlvl 110
    WeaponLVL 4 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Water
    description Shuriken with Water property. Snowstorm occurs when in use.
    MATK +50.
    Auto-spell Snow Flake Draft 1Lv is activated by a low rate in close range physical attacks. (at the level learned)
    Class: Huuma Shuriken
    Attack: 200
    Weight: 150
    Property: Water
    Weapon lvl: 4
    Require Level: 110
    Applicable Job: Ninja Class
    Drop by Swift Ice Titan (0.6%)
    script bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"NJ_HYOUSYOURAKU",(getskilllv("NJ_HYOUSYOURAKU")?getskilllv("NJ_HYOUSYOURAKU"):1),30;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13315 - Thunderstorm Huuma Shuriken (Huuma Thunderstorm)
    13315 - Thunderstorm Huuma Shuriken (Huuma Thunderstorm) class Shurikens weigth 150 NPCbuy 50000 OC 62000
    Slots 0 ATK 200 REQlvl 110
    WeaponLVL 4 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Wind
    description Shuriken with Wind property. Blinds enemies' sight with rain and wind.
    MATK +50.
    Darkness and auto-spell Lightning Bolt 1Lv is activated by a low rate in close range physical attacks. (at the level learned)
    Class: Huuma Shuriken
    Attack: 200
    Weight: 150
    Property: Wind
    Weapon lvl: 4
    Require Level: 110
    Applicable Job: Ninja Class
    Drop by
    script bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"NJ_RAIGEKISAI",(getskilllv("NJ_RAIGEKISAI")?getskilllv("NJ_RAIGEKISAI"):1),30;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13316 - Upg Huuma Shuriken[1] (Upg Huuma Shuriken)
    13316 - Upg Huuma Shuriken[1] (Upg Huuma Shuriken) class Shurikens weigth 150 NPCbuy 10 OC 12
    Slots 1 ATK 55 REQlvl 1
    WeaponLVL 3 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description Shuriken coated with Oridecon and Gold mixed at a golden ratio.
    Increases ATK +10 / MATK +5, and long range Physical Atk by 1% per Refine level.
    Character Level 70+: ATK increases additional +5 for every BaseLv increase of 10.
    Class: Huuma Shuriken
    Attack: 55
    Weight: 150
    Weapon lvl: 3
    Require Level: 1
    Applicable Job: Ninja Class
    Drop by
    script .@r = getrefine(); bonus bBaseAtk,(.@r*10); bonus bMatk,(.@r*5); bonus bLongAtkRate,(.@r); if(BaseLevel>70) bonus bBaseAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5);
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13317 - TE WoE Huuma Shuriken (TE Woe Huuma)
    13317 - TE WoE Huuma Shuriken (TE Woe Huuma) class Shurikens weigth 0 NPCbuy OC 0
    Slots 0 ATK 80 REQlvl 40
    WeaponLVL 3 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description Rental Item
    MATK +100.
    ** Extra option available in WoE TE area
    Physical Attack Power +40% against other adventurers.
    Physical attacks have a high Bleeding chance.
    Class: Huuma Shuriken
    Attack: 80
    Weight: 0
    Weapon Level: 3
    Level Requirement: 40
    Jobs: Ninja
    Drop by
    script bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,3000;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13321 - Half BF Huuma Shuriken (Half BF Huuma Shuriken2)
    13321 - Half BF Huuma Shuriken (Half BF Huuma Shuriken2) class Shurikens weigth 0 NPCbuy 10 OC 12
    Slots 0 ATK 55 REQlvl 80
    WeaponLVL 3 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    Drop by
    script bonus bStr,2; bonus bDex,1; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,40; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40; autobonus "{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,"NJ_HUUMA",100; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"NJ_ISSEN",100; }",50,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; }"; bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,1;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13322 - Huuma Metal Shuriken[1] (Huuma Metal Shuriken)
    13322 - Huuma Metal Shuriken[1] (Huuma Metal Shuriken) class Shurikens weigth 0 NPCbuy 10 OC 12
    Slots 1 ATK 50 REQlvl 1
    WeaponLVL 3 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description Giant shuriken with steel cone that is added to enhance the ability to throw, made of metal.
    Each refine increase ATK +5/MATK +3.
    Each 2 refines increase ranged physical attack by 1%.
    ATK +3 for each 10 Base Levels above 20
    (Applied until you reach base lv 120)
    Class: Huuma Shuriken
    Attack: 50
    Weight: 0
    Weapon Level: 3
    Level Requirement: 1
    Jobs: Ninja
    Drop by
    script bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,1; .@r = getrefine(); bonus bBaseAtk,.@r*5; bonus bMatk,.@r*3; if(.@r>=2) bonus bNearAtkDef,1*.@r/2; if (BaseLevel >= 20 && BaseLevel <= 120) bonus bBaseAtk,3*.@r/10;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13323 - Infinity Shuriken[1] (Infinity Shuriken)
    13323 - Infinity Shuriken[1] (Infinity Shuriken) class Shurikens weigth 50 NPCbuy OC 0
    Slots 1 ATK 150 REQlvl 100
    WeaponLVL 4 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description This weapon contains a strange energy.
    I feel that one of its benefits were sealed with a high cost.
    MATK +40
    Class: Huuma Shuriken
    Attack: 150
    Weight: 50
    Weapon Level: 4
    Level Requirement: 100
    Jobs: Ninja
    Drop by
    script bonus bMatk,40;
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13327 - Crimson Huuma Shuriken[2] (Crimson Huuma Shuriken)
    13327 - Crimson Huuma Shuriken[2] (Crimson Huuma Shuriken) class Shurikens weigth 100 NPCbuy 10 OC 12
    Slots 2 ATK 100 REQlvl 70
    WeaponLVL 3 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description Huuma shuriken with red light radiance blade.
    ATK increased by (Refine*Refine), up to +15 refine.
    MATK increased by (Refine*Refine)/2, up to +15 refine.
    Level 70 or higher:Per 10 BaseLevel,ATK +5.
    Class: Huuma Shuriken
    Attack: 100
    Weight: 100
    Weapon Level: 3
    Level Requirement: 70
    Jobs: Ninja
    Drop by
    script .@r = getrefine(); bonus bBaseAtk,((BaseLevel/10)*5)+(.@r<=15?pow(.@r,2):225); bonus bMatk,(.@r<=15?(pow(.@r,2)/2):225);
    Combo NA
    PREVIEW NAME(ID) 13328 - Huuma Shuriken of Vicious Mind[1] (Huuma Shuriken of Vicious Mind)
    13328 - Huuma Shuriken of Vicious Mind[1] (Huuma Shuriken of Vicious Mind) class Shurikens weigth 150 NPCbuy 10 OC 12
    Slots 1 ATK 150 REQlvl 160
    WeaponLVL 4 REQJOB Ninja PROPERTY Neutral
    description Huuma Shuriken imbued with Vicious Mind.
    MATK +50.
    Increase ATK by (refine*refine).
    (up to +15 refine level)
    Increase MATK by (refine*refine)/2.
    (up to +15 refine level)
    Class: Huuma Shuriken
    Attack: 150
    Weight: 150
    Weapon Level: 4
    Level Requirement: 160
    Jobs: Ninja
    Drop by
    script bonus bAtk,pow(min(getrefine(),15),2); bonus bMatk,pow(min(getrefine(),15),2)/2; bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,1;
    Combo NA

    Naposledy vygenerovano dne : Sun, 03 Jan 2021 14:35:43 +0100
    (c) 2006-2012 jihrad, Nebiki & k3dT -